Flood Victims in Mangalla Town, South Sudan Learn JMA Medical Biology Curriculum

Written by Junior Medical Academy

October 2, 2021

On September 21st, 2021, Junior Medical Academy’s partnership with the South Sudan STEM Initiative was able to bring access to our medical biology curriculum to the Mangalla Modern Secondary School in Mangalla town, South Sudan

We were able to reach 120 students: 50 S-1 students, 40 S-2 students and 30 S-3 students.

Residents of this town were displaced by devastating floods last year in Jonglei, South Sudan, causing them to settle here, in the Mangalla IDP Camp, without established educational facilities.  Due to this, these Mangalla Town students study outdoors in tents as their educational spaces.

 A huge barrier in the accessibility of educational materials for students in regions like Mangalla town is a lack of access to the internet. This problem is compounded by a lack of widespread access to technology.


Thus, the question arose: how do we get our medical biology education curriculum accessible to these remote regions without sustainable access to the internet?

To address this, Junior Medical Academy was able to download, share, and sponsor the printing of multiple copies of our medical biology curriculum to our partners in South Sudan. Our curriculum (of all 10 lessons) was fully printed into curriculum packets for the students to learn from. 

Furthermore, our proprietary teacher guide, which breaks down how to teach every slide of every lesson that we have created, is able to ensure an internationally standardized quality of education. Our teacher guides are made to be intuitive to people without a biology background — even if teachers are unfamiliar with our medical biology curriculum, the only skill they need to have is to be able to read!


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