Our Child marriage Prevention Curriculum, created by our design interns Karen Wang and Ania Szulc, in joint partnership with Eagles of Change in Zambia, was able to impact dozens of young girls.

Child marriages are seen prolifically in Zambia, with World Vision Zambia finding that “Zambia has one of the highest child marriage rates in the world with 42% of women married by the age of 18”. The social stigma arises from a lack of education; the view that young girls as young as 10-12 years old should be married to significantly older men is still normalized within the Zambian culture despite the scientific literature pointing out its startling effect on increasing risk of deppression, suicidality, maternal mortality, cancer, malaria, and financial/educational hinderance.
Our child marriage prevention curriculum was created in partnership with the Champions Of Change organization, which works on educational endeavors with humanitarian impact. The curriculum consists of the causes, systemic and personal effects, and societal/cultural/political beliefs driving child marriage, and later modules focus on techniques to avoid child marriage, as well as sustainable alternatives. We hope to pair this with the educational lessons/financing these young girls’ education to help keep them in school and out of child marriages.