Getting Research Internships Lesson Reaches 5,000+ African students through the Africa Science Busker’s Festival

Written by Junior Medical Academy

October 10, 2020

On August 29th, JMA Founder, Reetam Ganguli, gave a workshop lesson on getting research internships with university professors as a high school student in Africa at the African Science Buskers Festival to over 5,000+ students across multiple African countries. 


ASBF ambassadors created whatsapp group chats and relayed important information for the many students who lacked stable wifi — an effectiev method that JMA plans to contineu to replicate to mmake education as accessible as possible to students across the world with unstable wifi connections in the time of the pandemic. 


Research experience is incredibly important for African students when applying to international universities and applying to scholarships to be able to attend college — with workshops like this, JMA hopes to make pursuing higher levels of education an accessible reality for thousands of motivated youth across the African continent!

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