JMA Virtual Lessons Across 5 elementary schools in Fremont, CA during Pandemic

Written by Junior Medical Academy

March 14, 2020

Fremont, CA Mehek Parghi, Fremont Chapter President has been actively teaching JMA across Fremont schools and low-income housing ( Laguna Commons) for the past few years. Amidst the ongoing pandemic, JMA decided to move sessions virtually, conducting its sessions over zoom across 5 FUSD schools. 35+ students were registered for the class, ranging from incoming third graders to incoming seventh graders.

All the students were engaged through interactive learning in the class by asking in-depth questions about topics being taught. To garner more interest and instill better understanding, during the second half of each session, we competitive retion games like Jeopardy, Mad Libs (where students work together to create a story about the topic that was taught),  and an evolution game (where students had to create traits to help their animals survive) were employed. Students were also introduced to chemistry in the last session, as seen in the picture below.

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