FREMONT, CA—Tianhui (Lily) Yang, Sherin Lajevardi, and Sushrut Borkar have been working together to bring JMA back for a second session at Laguna Commons. From making bracelets to model macromolecule structures to drawing pictures of cartoon cells to learn about organelles, it’s been the start of a great session. Bringing together their inherent passion for teaching and biology, Lily, Sherin, and Sushrut, make it their goal to pass on this same passion to students from low-income backgrounds. Overall, the goal is to not only instill a strong background of science in the students, but to also promote a sense of confidence and interest in pursuing STEM subjects in the future. “It’s always fun running around after school with them because while you’re teaching, you’re also learning and reviewing the same ideas. Their smiles and enthusiasm always make my Wednesdays my favorite day of the week,” says Lily.