Fighting COVID-19 With Education in Zimbabwe and Ghana: Build Your Own DIY Face Mask Using Household Materials!

Written by Junior Medical Academy

April 21, 2020

We at Junior Medical Academy believe in the power of education to improve our lives — and that starts with protecting our communities from the rapid spread of COVID-19. With the rising costs and diminishing supply of face masks, this easy to make face mask, made from household materials, can help to mitigate this spread.

Our face mask guide is being used in Zimbabwe — through the Purpose Lab, where over 40 students have accessed our free guide, and is also accessible to our partners in Ghana through the nonprofit Voices on the Mount.

Stay safe, stay healthy, and stay home!

Use this PDF Guide for Instructions/easy-to-follow pictures to build your own, homemade facemask!

Material needed:

  • Paper Towel  (2 strips)
  • Rubber bands (2)
  • Paper (can be scratch paper)

Optional materials:

  • Scissors
  • Facial tissue
  • 8″x4″ piece of Cloth/Fabric and/or Coffee Filter

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