JMA Expands Medical Biology Lessons to Students in Argentina

Written by Junior Medical Academy

October 11, 2022

On June 6th, 2022, JMA Ambassador Akanksha Acharya from Katy, Texas taught over 50 students the topic of Biochemistry in the Austin ebs IB school, Argentina. 

Akanksha, who has earned a Gold Presidential Volunteeering Service Award for her work with JMA, was able to facilitate these lessons through Zoom while these students had their education supplemented in class alongside their peers and their teacher.

Akanksha’s passion for spreading neuroscience awareness among the youth in her community inspired her to revive the Seven Lakes High School JMA chapter in her freshman year. Under her leadership, the SLHS JMA Chapter has hosted several interactive workshops to educate elementary and middle school kids in the Katy and greater Houston areas in the past few years. During these workshops in a local Spanish neighborhood, Akanksha realized that for the non-English speaking population, the availability of literature and avenues continues to be a challenge in their journey towards exposure to the field of STEM education, especially for those who only spoke in Spanish. 

Therefore, she took up this  task of translating the entire JMA curriculum in Spanish, which is now used locally in the US, and internationally in Argentina and Peru. This summer she expanded JMA’s training sessions to kids in Austin EBS school in Argentina kicking off JMA’s 1st chapter in the continent of South America. She is currently working on further expanding her session reach to Monterrey, Mexico and Toronto, Canada!

As our societies shift to accommodate a changing, post-pandemic world, virtual forms of education, accessible to a broader range of students, serve to be an effective way to deliver high-quality education to students across the world. 

To help us further our mission to make STEM education accessible to students across the world, join us as a JMA ambassador!


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