Our Allies in Education

Our Allies in Education help further JMA’s central mission to deliver accessible biology education to underserved populations. 


Google and its services have facilitated JMA’s internal operations via free access to Google For Nonprofits, along with Google Adwords and grants.


Microsoft and its services have helped JMA’s internal operations via the Microsoft Azure Sponsorship for nonprofits. They have also provided a $5,000 annual sponsorship contributed to a discounted copy of Office 365.

United Nations Economic and Social Council

JMA was voted as a Special Consultative Status by the United Nations Economic and Social Council to advise the UN on high-need and hard-to-reach regions, and execute specific sustainable development goals

Corporation for National and Community Service

The President’s Volunteer Service Award certified JMA to give our volunteers national recognition from the president.

Walmart Inc.

Walmart has donated thousands to JMA through its grant programs. This will fund educational materials for underresourced schools and our initiatives to support survivors of sexual assault, rape, and domestic violence.

Society for Science

The Society for Science, the overarching organization for the ISEF and Regeneron Science Fairs, has financially sponsored JMA mentorship program/outreach initiatives to provide educational materials for disadvantaged student demographics.

Lean In

Lean In– a nonprofit run by Facebook Inc.’s COO, Sheryl Sandberg– is helping JMA furtherour cause by fighting gender equality through Lean In Circles and managing a JMA chapter on their platform.

Amazon Smile

Amazon Smile has registered JMA as an approved Charitable Organization which allows individuals from anywhere in the world to have a portion of their Amazon purchase be donated to JMA at no cost to them.

Click to support our cause for free.

YouTube Nonprofit Program

The YouTube Nonprofit Program has given JMA free access to unique resources like YouTube Impact Lab other video features to help JMA connect with our supporters and volunteers.

Das Lab at Stanford

The Stanford Das Lab has provided JMA with educational materials for scientific crowdsourcing on eteRNA to connect JMA students with researchers to fight diseases like cancer, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and more.

Noor Academy

JMA is proud to collaborate with Noor Academy to build a STEM-based institution in Nkayi, Zimbabwe and spread science fair mentorship curriculua to several other schools in Zimbabwe.

Educate Lanka Foundation

The Educate Lanka Foundation provides funds to help pay for school supplies, food, and the education for Sri Lankan students in extreme poverty.


JMA is working with the headmaster and school staff of Malaika’s New Beginnings Program to deliver medical biology education to abandoned and orphaned girls in Lumbumbashi, DRC.


iNerde is incorporating JMA’s curriculum into its “Nerdy Box Curriculum” by translating parts from English to French and utilizing this to empower underprivilleged youth across Africa.

Friends Welfare Association Pakistan

JMA has provided our Medical Biology Curriculum to support Friends Pakistan in their mission to provide higher education to girls.

Pangea Educational Development Group

JMA provided our Medical Biology Curriculum to interested students in Uganda through PANGEA.

Voices on the Mount

VOTM and JMA worked together to develop and launch our Scientists of Tomorrow Program and to provide COVID aid relief in Ghana.

Teach for India

JMA provided the curriculum for a trial class in a primary school in Chennai, India for diasbled and special needs girls run by Teach for India. The overwhelmingly positive results have led to pending government clearance to proceed with future lessons.

Experience Educate

Experience Educate provided JMA with their Leadership and Entrepreneurship Curricula to share with our partners

Vote Rookie

JMA is working with VoteRookie to upphold civic education and activism across the European and African continents. We are also partnering on running international workshops to eqip citizens with the scientific and civic knowledge to partake in the democratic process. 


JMA is collaborating with Technovation to serve as mentors for the Technovation Challenge’s Curiosity Machine to help young students solve and analyze STEM challenges.

Agents of Change

AOC is providing JMA with a high school volunteer base in the Bay Area to further youth STEM education.

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